Frequently asked questions

What kind of catalogs do you work on?

We work with songwriter, artist, music publishing, and record label catalogs represented by:

  • Individual songwriters and artists
  • Estates and trusts
  • Legal entities
  • Music Publishers
  • Record Labels
  • Investors
What is the price of a music catalog valuation and analysis?

Music Catalog Valuation and Analysis services are priced at $100 per song with a 25 song minimum (ie 1 - 25 songs = $2,500), paid in advance.

Where are you located?

Business Frame is headquartered in Nashville, TN. Our staff work remotely. We are hiring! Please contact a team member if you have interest and experience in music catalog valuation, royalty accounting, and copyright analysis.

We can receive packages at PO Box 1003 Fairview TN 37062.

What is your experience?

Business Frame staff have decades of corporate accounting, asset valuation, legal, and music copyright administration experience.

How long does it take to produce a music catalog valuation?

It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks to produce the music catalog valuation and analysis report, once an engagement contract is signed, payment is received, and catalog information and royalty reports are delivered.

What happens if I do not like the valuation assigned to my catalog?

Regretfully, this is unavoidable and happens from time to time. Our opinion of value and analysis is based on our experience and expertise and is irrespective of our nonrefundable fee.

What is your contact information?

Phone number: (615) 200-6440


I am missing some of the data related to my catalog. Can you help me compile and collect it?

Yes. We are really good at compiling and organizing music data, but sometimes we do not have access to contracts, statements, and financial records that only you will have access to.

I am receiving royalties but I am not sure if it is the right amount. Can you help me understand more about the catalog and it's value?

Yes. It's important to confirm the data an entity obligated to pay royalties has on file. A Music Catalog Valuation and Analysis is a map to understanding what is important for a rights holder.

Can you work with international companies?

Yes, we can.

Can you work with multiple currencies?

Yes, we can.

Can you work with estates, trusts, and legal entities?

Yes. We regularly work with all representatives of music copyrights in determining value and copyright analysis.

Can you calculate sales taxes?

No. We do not calculate, advise, or file taxes in any way.

Do you provide services other than music catalog valuation and analysis?

No. Our firm practice is focused on music catalog valuation and analysis.

What is the basis of value for conducting a music catalog valuation?

A discounted cash flow model and a market comparable model are used to produce a range of value.

Can you produce custom reports?

Regretfully, no. We produce comprehensive and thorough written and analytical reports that may remain consistent in design and computation.

I have more questions. Is there someone I to speak with on a call or zoom?

Yes. Please contact us anytime to schedule a meeting.

Understand your music catalog.